11 May 2009

Missing Spring already

Now that the Golden Week holiday is over, days are reverted to norm, and we're desperately trying to bring life back to full swing, which can be especially difficult after a long holiday. Being more so with the merciless heat, like the blazing 32deg celcius yesterday, and yeah! It's only mid Spring!

It feels like Spring is hurrying off in a puff. Sigh... And I'm missing Spring already.

We've only enjoyed a wee bit of Sakura.


Followed by the lovely pink of the peach orchard. We could have missed them if I've not attended ballet lesson that week.


They actually bloomed some 2 weeks earlier than last year, and didn't last quite as long like the past. I suppose we get to enjoy the fruit earlier this year then.



And though I do yearn for the juicy peaches ( while I'm still gobbling up yummy strawberries ), having them sooner doesn't sound very good either. We're taken aback by the the alarming speed of global warming, and how nature is at its bidding.


My poor flowers at the porch look as if they've been lynched, they deserve to be watered twice a day. Gotta go check on them now.


J.H said...

incredible picture, as usual! The cherry blossom and plum blossom all have gone about 2-3 weeks ago in UK. I guess this going to be a hot and dry summer :-)

stay-at-home mum said...

yes, the weather has not been very nice to us lately, our here in the little red dot too.

But those flowers that you enjoy there are still soooo beautiful!!

sharilyn said...

beautiful, stardust! drink it in and fill up on the beauty that is only spring!! carry it in your heart, my friend, for it is indeed glorious...a time of rebirth and beauty!

Anonymous said...

Love all the flowers on your blog. They are beautiful!!!!