11 August 2009

Bits & pieces

Been away for a while...

Bear has assigned me stuff to see to. Much concentration needed but I simply loooveee proving my competency. ;) I'm not just solely good in household matters, you know?!? =P By God's awesome grace, everything's in place and progressing great! =)

A little odd Summer we're having here however. There's been constant downpours, raging typhoos and a loud earthquake that shook us from bed at 5 plus this morning!

Too much pitter patter doesn't sound good actually, for it renders the harvest pretty bad this year. Landslide has been occuring across the country, taking several lives too. And though this place is well shielded thanks to geographical merits, we genuinely hope that the climate doesn't cross beyond what's already bad.

May many gets to see positivity, like a streak of colors across the gloomy sky! We catch rainbows quite often recently, sometimes even seeing double, like the one in the picture below. =D


Caught the second band above?



A guest has been helping itself at my pots. It ascends to my herbs pot at the balcony by night, and decends to the porch by daytime, very much making itself at home. =P

Huge guts for a tiny guy my-thumb-sized. Bear says that it's obviously happy staying with us. =D


Here at our wonderfully green suburb, sunflowers are overlooking everywhere on behalf of Mr. Sun. Car rides are wonderfully pleasant along the sunflowers-pitched-roads, truly exclusively Summer. =)


Then on alternate nights, hour-long fireworks are all ours to marvel by the windows at home. And though much has been hindering us from taking taking a decent break for long, such little bits and pieces are spicing up days of an evanescent Summer.


stay-at-home mum said...

Busy, busy .. but keeping well... that's great!

That guest of yours, doesnt he keep you awake at nite?? My guest, has become guests, and at times his croaking keeps me up. BUT its so difficult to keep send them away.

Natasha de Bell said...

beautiful rainbow.. i like it

J.H said...

goodness, double rainbow!!
Hey, please take more of those sunflower picture, I'll make them my desktop wallpaper :-)

Duke said...

The double rainbow is just awesome and the field of sunflowers is just magnicent! Your photos are always so pretty!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Cuisine Paradise said...

Yaya... some of the Sunflower photos pls.. i just simply loves them... pls.... :)

Stardust said...

Sorry people, no pictures of sunflowers, no time actually. =P

bp said...

everything's so pretty. the double rainbow, wow! is kermit still there, overstaying his welcome? ;p