And so one dearest prayer answered.
My very own baby in a white lacey christening gown.
Everytime a newborn don in purity white shows up before me, I'm filled with awe and envy to tears. For every gift that blessed friends' babies, I prayed that the Lord would bless us too.
And here comes my angel finally. See him beaming and all dressed up in finest cotton.
He was good throughout the dedication, asleep to be exact, so he had no idea how mommy was moved to tears during prayer, no more envy for reason this time.To raise the child with Lord's wisdom and strength is all on our mind now, that he'll be a blessing to all around him. Alongside, may we grow as parents responsible for the cub's being, that we may be answerable for this marvellous gift entrusted to us... :)
Also, the family clan thing went good.
Apparently, Baby Bear is the only hope that carries on the family name, all the other relatives are having girls and have passed reproductive age. Everybody can't be more pleased with the new addition to family 'O'.
We're blessed.
Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Psalm 127 :3Thanking all for the kind encouragement earlier, we shall take on each outdoor as it comes.
Enjoying a nice cuppa hot cocoa on a rainy afternoon.
This is not a parenting blog. :P
The cub is a happy baby at home.
I mean, at home.
When the main door is closed behind us, he starts getting antsy. Then mom gets antsy, and dad joins in.
It isn't too hard to understand what tremendous stress the outdoor imposes on a baby out from the womb for mere weeks. Everything at once is just too much!
Do you know, even the mom isn't the most outdoor person in the world and fidgets at meeting new people!
But we can't stay at home forever. :/ This weekend is going to be especially challenging.
Baby Bear will be formally introduced to the family clan on the 27th. We have relativesssss travelling from different parts of Japan just to meet and bless the child. All these people I don't know, but I must pretend that I still do because I've met them once years ago. There'll be endless exchange of formalities, bowing, and cordial conversation from one cluster to another, I just hope I won't forget which one I'm done with. It will be a very mentally exhausting experience and if I'm not careful, I may end up embarrassing my husband. I don't wish for tongues wagging at his behind, ' This is how things will be like when you get yourself a foreign wife.'
I can only imagine the clanking of glasses, loud excited folks who want to tell how much they are happy for us, karaoke and merry-making... and how uncomfortable Baby Bear will be.
Then on the 28th, he'll be making his debut at church for a baby dedication. I'm excited on this one! And I'm hoping that the cub doesn't cry his lungs out on what's meant to be a very dear memory of my lifetime. The child at the previous dedication obviously didn't like the microphone.
Darling, I know you must be trying so much harder than I
do and I better not buckle under nothing yet! Come what may, we'll ride it out. Just try not to turn into a dipped nugget on these days ok?
We've ushered the cub into his room 2 weeks ago!
Yes, this is the cross-stitch project completed 12 days, and framed 2 days before his arrival!
We miss hearing his cute grunts and fussing up close, and did worry if the transmission delivers his soft calls at night. Fortunately Bear has a better ear!
With the cub around, everything takes place faster than I can blink and Baby Bear is 2 months old today!
He's a smiler, still a faithful fan of the indoor laundry, and coming up with new tricks under his sleeves.
He gives me that ' Admit it. Don't you just love me? ' look with a seductive smile every now and then, oh see me blush! When he's probably full, he cleverly does it with hope to get away from the boob.
He coos, coos and coos mainly to me and the laundry. Daddy is too boring and has to try harder.
He is definitely starting to play! But he's probably better at flirting.
He laughs with eyes shut as he bobbles, and when he does he makes me cry.
He's quickly losing those cute furry baby hair on his back and other body parts before I could snap them.
He now waits for my return from the washroom and chores knowing mommy is coming back for him.
He loves me singing 'Do-Re-Mi' and 'Edelweiss' from Sound of Music.
I can't place him anywhere without second thoughts anymore cos I swear I caught him flip thrice already!
The biggest challenge would have to be his poo! It isn't diarrheoa but sometimes he poos so much that it leaks from his crotch and back, he needs to be showered! It's like a nugget half dipped into curry sauce whenever he poos that way.
And for being such an angel, mommy is giving him a corner here : ♥ing my Cub. For my nugget so deserves it.
I can't walk away without mentioning how grateful we are for this precious gift from God, and I'm thanking everyone for blessing us too. :)
Just moments ago, I was watching the closing of the National Day Parade online.
Yes! It's National Day, and the birthday of my dearest brother. This day last year, I was back home to celebrate his big day!
It's very stirring humming those oh so familiar songs sung during school days. I bet every Singaporean stationed overseas are connected with home in the same heartbeat. I couldn't help the tears when reciting the national pledge!
I remember the first time I gave Baby Bear a bath, the boy actually flew into a panic and of all songs, the frantic mom blurted out the national anthem hoping to calm him down. ( By the way, it worked ) It's harder than you think that one's roots can be easily forgotten!
Take me out of the island, but you can't take the island out of my heart. Majulah Singapura.