01 January 2011

Happy New Year, and thank you

appy New Year! Wishing everybody a great 2011 from the bottom of my heart - good health, peace and joy. Every single goodness you've been thinking fondly of!

The God-Blessed Box is 3, and a post to its 300th. Thank you for being you around, if you still are. It's an insipid lifestyle I'm recording, so thanks for bearing with everything. And thank you for the sweet friendship - it's like being treated with an extra topping on ice-cream
cos it's a special day.


stay-at-home mum said...

Congrats on 3rd Blogoversary and your 300th post!! Happy New year, with new responsibilities coming up real soon. So happy and excited for you!!

umekotyan said...


From ume tyan

Teena in Toronto said...

Happy new year!

Happy blogoversary!

Duke said...

Happy 3rd blogaversary, Stardust! Here's to 300 more posts! We love your blog!
Happy New Year!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

J.H said...

Happy New Year sister!
And happy blog-versary :-)
May the Lord find us faithful in 2011 :-))) God bless!

bp said...

no, not insipid at all, my dear. thanks for everything you post on this blog, your sharing and pictures, always such awesome pictures, and especially for your friendship :)

happy new year, happy birthday to your blog, and happy catching up on yummy food besides icecream also!