24 March 2011


lmost 2 weeks have passed since the enormous earthquake hit Japan. But it feels like the whole thing just took place yesterday.

The damage is mounting, deceased counting, and pressure cooking with the unresolved problems at the Fukushima nuclear plant. But I don't want to complain or let the stress get better of me. There are countless people enduring tremendous suffering out there, brave people sacrificing their health to salvage the situation... I don't want to sit, whine, and act like I'm the one in pain.

I had my brother sent back on Monday, 2 months earlier than the supposed departure. He's the only son in the family, it's the right thing to do rather than exposing him to unnecessary risk. A huge load is off my back now.

At the moment, the water and air quality at my region are still excellent. Life is pretty much as usual for the time being. I'm staying put as long as the situation doesn't threaten Breadcrumbs. And trusting the Lord to take care of of the little one within. He is 26 weeks today, active as usual if not more, and starting tickling me with his fingers I believe. The fella is quite some mischief. :)

I don't know if it's a hopeless idiocy or the otherwise I'm having. With Breadcrumbs, I actually feel stronger, braver. Or maybe, it's the Lord who's enabling me all along. Nobody is sure of how things will turn out, but I want to continue trusting the Lord to take care of us.

You know. In times of trouble, the good part is you get to see who are the ones who genuinely care about you. And be inspired by the nobility of great humane love showered even upon strangers. Happenings do teach quite some valuable lessons you don't learn in peaceful times.

The last thing to do, in my opinion... Don't add oil to fire. Don't.

Please continue to help Japan through your feasible means. Every thought counts.

And may peace be restored throughout the earth I pray. The world has more than enough of inevitable suffering. What's deliberate and imposed have better stopped.

God bless everyone.


stay-at-home mum said...

And God Bless especially those brave ones trying to salvage the situation at Fukushima.

Glad to hear that all is settled and well on your end. Will continue to pray for your safety, and that the situation there doesnt get any worse.

Thanks for taking the trouble to update us, despite all that is happening over there.

God Bless.

Feronia said...

What a beautiful post, Stardust. And how wonderful that little Breadcrumbs is giving you that added strength. Take good care of yourself x

Dandy Duke said...

Not a day goes by that we don't pray for Japan, Stardust.
We just love little Breadcrumbs name :-)

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

bp said...

Thanks for this update, Stardust! You and Japan remain in my thots n prayers, my dear, and may there be many praying and helping in this great time of need there.

And go, Breacrumbs, go... I just love how he cheers Mommy Stardust on!!!

You guys and Bear too, stay safe, and stay strong, knowing our Lord God will continue to protect and provide you with all your needs!

I'm happy for you also that your brother is back home safe and sound. He is so blessed with a great sis in you :)

*HUGS* and take good care!

Mrs Mac said...

So good to hear from you. We have been thinking of you every day.