23 January 2011

At 17 weeks

ickets for the World Championships sold out in less than 20 minutes yesterday. We didn't even manage to catch an operator on the phone or capture the page online.

But I'm actually secretly happy, knowing that there'll be no tiresome travelling, jostling and putting up at hotel by when I'll be heavier. I guess I'll be gratified enjoying the telecast at the comfort of home. So thanks for all the wishes, I think we've got what's best for us. :)


As for Bear, he put it all behind him as soon as when we've met up with the gynae. And meeting baby whom we've been calling and so for the time being, 'Breadcrumbs'. :)

At 17 weeks & 3 days, the fella is developing 6 days ahead while mommy lost a whopping 6kgs during the 1st trimester.

I didn't know that I'm already in my 5th month! I think I look relatively small then but doctor is assuring me that baby weighs good at 157grams.

What's most exciting would have to be seeing Breadcrumbs on screen. In less than 10 minutes, the fella sucked its thump, rested a fist upon the forehead like it got a headache, waving, flexing, and krumpin' bo diam ( Singaporean slang for 'restlessly' ). This mama shouldn't have been watching too much ' So you think you can dance '.

I'm more than sure now. Those bobbing since 13th week were from the little Krumper then. ;)

Doctor discloses the gender not until 20 weeks. Whichever. Nothing else really matters besides Breadcrumbs developing healthily. :)


bp said...

YAY, Breadcrumbs is excited for sure also, not just you and Bear! Thanks so much for this update!

I pray your appetite will be much much better and you'll be on track in terms of weight gain for yourself also.

Glad to be in on the action from your precious one! Enjoy all the bobbing and kicking, mommy!!!

Duke said...

We're in agreement with you, Stardust - watching the event from the comfort of your home in your condition is best!
How exciting this all is! We are thrilled for you and Bear!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch