27 August 2009

Goodbye Coco

Coco is our pet at home. A tiny fish barely 1.5cm residing in a miniature tank.

Just a couple of days ago, I noticed a heart at the center of its home.


After cleaning the tank, I left the pebble where it was, for Coco. Happy I was with the find, but little did I forsee a tragedy coming.


Coco leapt out of its tank yesterday, we discovered it on the table at night. My fault, I failed to put the cap on for its tank. =*( Sigh... It was a sad mistake, but a point taken for good.

In a way, I'm glad that the heart-shaped pebble caught my eye. At least, I got to take some last pictures of Coco
Goodbye Coco, you've been loved.


shoppingmum said...

sorry about your pet fish.

J.H said...

I had always wanted to have a fish just like yours!
I am sorry to hear the tragedy. But I hope you'll find another pet fish soon :D

Dandy Duke said...

We're so sorry to hear about Coco! We're glad you got these last photos of him.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Feronia said...

So sorry to hear about poor Coco!
Hugs :)

Natasha de Bell said...

I am sorry to hear that. Same like you, we have pet fish. 最初は四匹いたけど、二匹が死んでしまいました。子供たちの悲しい顔を見るとかわいそう。。。命って短いな~

bp said...

HUGSSS for you, dear, i'm sorry to hear abt Coco. these last pics with the heart are a nice way to remember Coco by, with love!