15 June 2010


It's monsoon.

Garden thingy isn't progressing like how we've hoped, and monsoon is always only good at decelerating things. Nevertheless, I'm pinning high hopes on the company we're meeting tonight. Please please, please make it work! =/

As I didn't see the vegetation plot commencing fast enough, I started seedlings of tomato and herbs on a planter early spring. Amazingly, the fellas are developing faithfully by inches despite a lack of sunshine. Given the less than ideal conditions, I should be more than thankful even with an average harvest this year.

The thing is, before I can touch them, who is munching on my basil leaves?


Now if Bear is right, where.are.the.caterpillars?? Every morning, I'll find my choicest leaves gone!

Incidentally, the defeated leaves sorta delineate the spirit inside - holey. The garden that isn't getting done soon enough, has a good chance of getting in the way of other serious business later. Landed vegetation isn't a piece of cake like balcony vegetation, especially if I want it done organic. I've overestimated myself.

But stuffs can be sorted out right? Right? I shouldn't sweat over what's resolvable right? Gotta tame this anxious heart.

~ Ok, you had the basil. Leave my tomatoes and rosemary alone, alright? ~


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phillipians 4:6


  1. yes, yes, stuff can be sorted out, i have to tell myself too not to fret and let tomorrow worry about itself. cast our cares on Jesus, right?

    the caterpillars are sneaky, aren't they? container planting is easier, i think, based on the few potted easy plants i've grown in little pots for the window sill and have more control in that sense over the watering, sunlight, etc. but with your really green fingers, i really think the plants you sow or will be growing in the ground will reap the fruits of your labour. your tomatoes are looking great already! :)

    - BP

  2. Wow, that's beautiful veg you have there! Well, I guess if you can find catepillar while eating your pasta, or salad, then its proven it is really and truly organic! *with extra protein added.

  3. Wow..you have a great tomato plant over there :) Rey has being growing tomato plant for sometime and ours still remain as a tiny plant after 3 months :( and some of it even wilted off :( Hope one day we can get something like your too.....

  4. Basil is one of mom's very favorite herbs! ahhhhhhhh the aroma! Your little tomato is looking wonderful to us, Stardust! Mom and dad don't have a whole lot of time this year for a vege garden so there are tomatoes planted but no way are we taking pictures of that MESS that we can't even call a garden! YUK!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  5. こんばんわ、スターダストさん



    復活しましたら、またまた、お付き合い下さいます様に<(_ _)>

    from loved ume tyan
