27 August 2009

Goodbye Coco

Coco is our pet at home. A tiny fish barely 1.5cm residing in a miniature tank.

Just a couple of days ago, I noticed a heart at the center of its home.


After cleaning the tank, I left the pebble where it was, for Coco. Happy I was with the find, but little did I forsee a tragedy coming.


Coco leapt out of its tank yesterday, we discovered it on the table at night. My fault, I failed to put the cap on for its tank. =*( Sigh... It was a sad mistake, but a point taken for good.

In a way, I'm glad that the heart-shaped pebble caught my eye. At least, I got to take some last pictures of Coco
Goodbye Coco, you've been loved.


  1. I had always wanted to have a fish just like yours!
    I am sorry to hear the tragedy. But I hope you'll find another pet fish soon :D

  2. We're so sorry to hear about Coco! We're glad you got these last photos of him.

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. So sorry to hear about poor Coco!
    Hugs :)

  4. I am sorry to hear that. Same like you, we have pet fish. 最初は四匹いたけど、二匹が死んでしまいました。子供たちの悲しい顔を見るとかわいそう。。。命って短いな~

  5. HUGSSS for you, dear, i'm sorry to hear abt Coco. these last pics with the heart are a nice way to remember Coco by, with love!
