07 April 2009

Let it be a good Spring

Anybody read the news?

First, we had missile whoosed over our heads from North Korea during the weekend. GULP. Schedule of second launch is yet known, but hopefully, it'll be a success like the first one.

Just what am I talking about?? What am I supposed to hope for then?

Then, we've just learnt yesterday about the sad earthquake in Italy. I'm worried sick to stomach as a blogger friend who stays in the vicinity may probably be affected!! Let's hope that Silvia and her loved ones are ok...

This isn't a good time for rosy talks and stuff, but we all need some anti-depressants admist not too happy times. Here's sending a piece of Spring your way...





I love watching buds. I mean, they imply the start of promising blooms, huge joy bursting from puny buds! Aren't they amazing? =D

Here goes my favourite below, delicate darlings.


Let's hope that it'll be a good Spring for all. World peace, and God bless.


  1. Thanks for sharing those beautiful pics!!

  2. beautiful! and such a great variety of flowers... did you take the pics in a garden? My favourite has to be the third pic from top. :-)

  3. hi stardust, sorry i've been AWOL, been so bogged down and more things to be done here first before our move coming up next.

    how's your friend from Italy, any news?

    i'm looking fwd to more spring blooms to help me breathe in and out! thanks for sharing all your v gorgeous ones here =)

  4. what wonderful springy photos!! i love the one with the pink buds best! it's so detailed and delightful, my friend! :)

  5. Isn't it amazing the various types of incredibly beautiful flowers that grow here! So lucky that we're living here!

  6. lovely...lovely...lovely. And I have to agree... I LOVE the last one the most. That's my fave too :-)

  7. wow, i love the first picture. What flower is that? Thanks for sharing such lovely pictures! :)

  8. SAHM, you're welcomed! =D

    Piggy, your fav is mine, just that mine's in blue!

    BP dear, Italian friend is ok, thank God! Bless your heart.

    Sharilyn, thank you!!

    Xue, yep! Nodding...

    J.H., really? Wow!

    Ladybird KY, sorry dear, I'm not sure of the flower's name. =P
