17 April 2008

First award for the blog! And the award goes to...

Blogging is such an incredible experience for me!

It has never crossed my mind to start a blog though I've been reading some friends' and others, taking a peep into peoples lives but hardly noticing mine. It was until when I was inspired by some great bloggers that made me thought, maybe; I could share bits of mine that might inspire people too...

I thought I'd like to make this an avenue to bless others, but I never knew that I'll be more blessed!!! =) I've come to know amazing people with great talents, wise thoughts, beautiful mind and soul. They are always sharing so generously, helpful, sincere and without pretense. What a blessing and joy to know more people from around the world and making friends with wonderful personalities!!

We may be living in a world where people are quick to criticise and slow to praise, but there are always pretty angels around, you know? ;) This humble blog has been awarded an ' E ' by a lovely Blogger, Silvia at her Magnolia Wedding Planner. It's always a delight at her place and have her presence here, I can't thank God enough for this sweet friendship, and I thought that such joy should be spread around too! So I'm passing this award to some of the regulars of this God-Blessed Box!

Silvia : Nope, I'm not returning this to you, but giving one to you too! + a big tight HUG.

Michele : For the friendship and all the lovely pictures you've shared day by day, they've become so much a part of my life. =) Luv ya...

bp : I always feel myself well heard by you, probably because we share commonalities somehow? You've been great, and I'm so glad that we've found each other through the Lord!

Jade : I've always loved your coming and warm encouraging words. It really has an impact on me. =) p/s : You're cute. =)

Piggy : Your lovely pictures of food are a consolation to an always hungry me. Thank you for your helpful advise and sharing, I've learnt a lot from you indeed. Rock on!

There must have been more out there who deserve this, and let's keep on discovering and spread the love!


  1. Congratulations on your award, I love your blog!

  2. Thanks so much, Stardust, for this! And you know, I've been blessed by your posts, and just so glad I met you through the wonderful blogging world, and you decided to blog so folks like me (no matter how far away from you) can get a glimpse of your life, too! =)

    I always love your beautiful pictures and reminders of our awesome God, and how much you give to the things you're passionate about!

    Keep it up, my dear! =) And enjoy your weekend just around the corner!

  3. I'll flattered if you put a link to my blog. I hope this friendship will last also apart from the blogs we own.
    I cannot describe how happy i am!
    Hugs dear

  4. Well, thank you my dear friend. I'm sorry it took me a while to acknowledge this kind act. I will write more later. I'm very tired today and need to rest. I do thank you so much. Hugs. You are so kind to me.

  5. wow, ありがとう! you have a great blog there... you deserve the award. :-)

  6. Stardust,

    =)I am so touched! This is a pleasant surprise both from you and Silvia when I got my network running again. Thank you so much for the award and I just want to let you know that I enjoy dropping by your wonderful blog (^^,)

  7. Hello Kelly,
    Thank you for dropping by.

    Hi bp,
    I love going to your place too, and I've been blessed by your blog just as much. =)

    CHEERS to our friendship! =D Let's get drunk electronically! ;P

    Hullo Bob,
    Thenk yu.

    Dear Michele,
    Hugs to you too, and I enjoy exchanging with you. =)

    Hi Piggy,
    Thanks for dropping by. You have a GREAT food blog that I love no less.

    Hi Jade,
    I enjoy going to your place too, you know. =)
