02 January 2008

Happy 2008!

Japan celebrates their traditional New Year ( お正月)on the 1st Jan. It is of no exception to us as we welcome 2008 with a brand new mood. It is the Year of the Rat according to the Japanese Zodiac Calendar, so it is quite common to see decoration accompanied with the ' Rat ' symbol.
My husband made some buckwheat noodles (蕎麦)on the eve, to consume before the clock striked 12 on the New Year. The Japanese eat the buckwheat noodle, which is long and slender (長細い). It bears the meaning of longevity, by staying slim for health reason.

The handmade buckwheat noodle isn't very long compared to those available in marketplace, but it is afterall my husband's effort of trying to preserve some Japanese tradition.

Most of the Japanese would visit a nearby shrine to offer incense and pray. As Christians, we refrain from this religious act politely. Nevertheless, it is our prayer to Lord Jesus for good health, peace, love and blessings for this new year to start. May our families be abundantly blessed too.

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